The increase in awareness and popularity of psychological safety I thought it would be interesting to look at the frequency of the search term “psychological safety” over time, and map certain events onto that If you head to Google Trends, […]...
Leadership and Empathy One of the most powerful capabilities that leaders and managers can possess is empathy Arguably, the same could be said for anyone – we can best understand and help others when we’re able to see the world […]...
Hard to Say I’m Sorry: Apologies in the Workplace Guest post by Jonathan Cohen, MD It shouldn’t be a surprise that good apologies are not the norm There are several reasons for this Most of us have not undergone formal […]...
Types of Silence The authors of this literature review “Silence in organizations and psychological safety” from 2015, describe a number of group dynamics that can lead to silence, and more interestingly, describe a few different types of silence, drawn from […]...
Icebreakers If you’re anything like me, when you see “icebreakers” on an agenda or schedule for a meeting, you immediately become a little anxious Ice breakers are intended to make us feel more comfortable and at ease, increasing the overall […]...
Psychological safety is about creating a climate in which we feel able to take interpersonal risks in order to communicate our ideas, concerns and issues – and we want to be able to speak up in a way that we […]...
In the real world, psychological safety is political There are some who say that psychological safety isn’t political We think it is What does “political” mean At its broadest level, politics determine the ways people in groups make decisions This […]...
How psychological safety captured the world’s attention Project Aristotle was a project undertaken by Google to understand what makes teams successful The project aimed to identify patterns and behaviours within teams that led to high performance Starting in 2012, Google […]...
Psychological Safety in the World Soft SkillsWhilst I’m not really keen on the term “soft skills” (because really, the soft stuff is the hard stuff), this is a good article by Rebecca Knight on improving your soft skills as a remote […]...
Introduction As a result of the ever-increasing scale and complexity of healthcare systems, hierarchies and layers of management have become increasingly necessary (Kumar, 2021) These facilitate operational capability, both in terms of scale and complexity, but also lead to sometimes […]...
An Unlikely Confidant: How AI Became My Private (PsychSafe) Oasis for Public Victory by Navya Adhikarla Psychological safety, a concept traditionally applied to group dynamics, refers to the feeling of being able to speak up, take risks, and make mistakes […]...
I can say whatever I want! When I met up with Amy Edmondson recently in Boston (yes, this is a humblebrag and I’m owning it!) we discussed one of the prevalent misconceptions around psychological safety: that it means we can say […]...
Making it safe(r) to fail in teaching By Jade Garratt, Director of Education, Iterum Years ago, I was lucky enough to teach in an amazing secondary school English department Teachers’ enthusiasm for developing their practice was infectious and there was […]...
The psychological safety newsletter is now three years old! The first issue went out on February 19th, 2021 to just 139 people, and you can read it online here And this is issue 150! Over these 150 issues we’ve evolved […]...
Psychological Safety Case Study: The Sales Team One of the most popular requests from the newsletter feedback survey was for some case studies of psychological safety in practice, so here’s the first one! It’s an interesting case that illustrates why […]...
Psychological Safety at Work Psychological Safety in Schools This is an excellent piece on the EdCan Network website on the importance and dynamics of psychological safety for students The authors make a few key points – psychological safety and inclusion […]...
Civility Saves Lives If you wanted to completely destroy any psychological safety in the group, what would you do If you wanted to create a culture of fear, where nobody felt safe to speak up, suggest ideas, highlight concerns, or […]...
In a word, yes The importance of mental health and well-being is now being recognised in the workplace Some would even argue it’s being respected Though not universal in its reach, this new attitude is seeing employers investing in a […]...
A few issues ago, we covered various kinds of retrospective – the practice of looking back and learning from work, as well as some of the conditions and requirements for effective retrospectives One of those points was about the “weak […]...
Psychological Safety at Work Lean and psychological safety Here’s a great analysis by Ben Hutchinson of a paper examining the relationship between Lean and psychological safety in construction projects in the US This combines two of my favourite subjects so […]...