Our mission is to make the world of work a safer, higher performing, more inclusive and equitable place.
We work towards this through working with clients and partners to train, develop, and empower people across the world to foster psychologically safe environments in their organisations and teams.
We’re building a global community of folks who want to create and maintain psychological safety. We share, as widely as possible, new research and opinion, case studies, news, practices and methods related to psychological safety. We also provide training, consultancy, tools and advice. And stickers.
Topics we address include inclusion, safety science, human factors, facilitation, safety critical environments, systems thinking, leadership and management, diversity and equity, mental health, organisational dynamics, culture, ethics, and much more.
A core goal is to amplify the voices of minoritised groups and those who are less represented in this field. This includes (but is not limited to) voices of people of colour, neurodiverse people, LGBTQ+ people, women in leadership and tech, and more.
Another goal is to share insights and best practices across different domains: for example, so that those of us in tech may learn from healthcare, and those of us in education can learn from aviation.
We believe knowledge is worthless unless it’s accessible. A key principle of this newsletter is to only share content that everyone can access. This excludes content behind paywalls, research papers that are not open-access, and proprietary tools that don’t open source their algorithms (preventing us from observing how systems make decisions about us). There may be some exceptions to this principle in practice, for example, where authors are able to share original texts of papers.
Whilst this statement will evolve this over time, the core principles of equity, amplification, and progressive & humanistic leadership shouldn’t change.
All content on this website is CC BY-SA