If you’re looking for a keynote speaker, or you’d like us to speak at a conference or event you’re organising, please get in touch.
In this two part podcast, Gail Markin, Caroline Picard, and Jade Garratt discuss the critical role of implementing action to build psychological safety in education.
Everyone in a school, not just leaders, plays a role in creating a culture of psychological safety in education. The conversation acknowledges that teachers often create safe environments intuitively in classrooms, but that it is more challenging to establish such safety within educational institutions and workplaces. Jade highlights the fragile nature of psychological safety—how it takes time to build but can be easily destroyed by overwork, stress, and high expectations. The good news is that it can also be protected and fostered with communication and collaboration. The conversation moves to practical steps and the challenges educators face in creating environments where it is “safe to fail.”
In this episode of Trust on Purpose, Ila and Charles sit down with Tom Geraghty and dive into the differences between trust and psychological safety, then take a second, deeper dive into the value of experimentation, failure, and learning. They describes how organisations and industries that have a high cost of failure and those that require extreme safety sensitivity have experienced failure (and it hurt!), as well as the learning that comes from failure and how to mitigate or prevent future failures.
In this episode of a Half Dozen Things, we discussed what psychological safety really means when people feel enabled to participate in interpersonal risk taking. We addressed how suggesting ideas, challenging management and colleagues might work when behaviour may not align with the organisational principles.
I thoroughly enjoyed chatting with Lisa Ryan on this podcast. We explore how creating a safe space for open communication is crucial to industries. Tune in for insights on boosting team performance, fostering innovation and driving inclusivity. Enjoy!
Being interviewed by John Ruppel was a great experience. We chat about my own personal journey and the field of psychological safety itself.
In this podcast with Behavioural Health Today, we talk about the importance of seeing the work environment as a learning problem rather than just an execution problem. I also share insights from my experiences in ecological research, tech and leadership roles.
In this podcast/interview, I have an amazing chat with Bernadette Smith to discuss inclusive environments and the importance of psychological safety!
Here’s my talk on psychological safety, healthcare and aviation from the March 2024 National Highways Conference at the National Space Centre, Leicester.
Chatting with Matt Ballantine was a great opportunity! In the podcast we talk about the general principles of psychological safety and what we can do to help achieve it!
Becky’s excellent Leadership Log podcast is one of my favourite ever podcasts, and I was really excited to join her on it to explore the concept of psychological safety from its origins through to some top tips on how to start building a climate of psychological safety in your team.
I was really honoured to be invited to co-host three episodes of Rebranding Safety with James MacPherson: In this first episode, we dive into the basics – what is psychological safety? We chat about its origins, some big names within the field and examples of where things have gone wrong due to a lack of psychological safety. So get a cuppa and get stuck in, can’t wait to bring you the rest of this series. Enjoy.
In the second episode, we discuss what we think psychological safety looks like in reality, taking it beyond academia and seeing how it translates within our businesses and our lives. We talk about the importance of motivation and clarity, the power and privilege surrounding it, human error, the knock on effects of ‘banter’, and tonnes more.
This was a live-event talk on psychological safety in practice, as part of Freedom to Speak Up Month 2022, organised by the NHS National Guardian’s Office. The talk was followed by a Q&A, led by Mike Craissati, Berkshire NHS Trust’s Freedom to Speak Up Guardian.
Steve helps aspiring and professional Performance Science and Support Staff improve their skills, experience and mindset for working with sports performers through a range of online courses and an exclusive community hub.
Allessandria Polizzi invited Tom Geraghty on her Psychological Safety World Tour series of podcasts, and it was a great chat about the definition of psychological safety, and how it manifests in different cultures.
George at Newicon was kind enough to invite Tom back to speak with him on their Future Thinking podcast, this time about Digital Transformation.
In this podcast with Jonathan O’Reilly, we discuss Quality Improvement: the systematic approach to improving healthcare quality and patient outcomes. Jonathan O’Reilly has a fantastic podcast focussed on QI, and recently invited me to speak with him on it. There are really interesting parallels with the world of QI in healthcare, and the principles and practices of Agile in tech. It was a really enjoyable session, and I’m super pleased to be able to share it with you all.
This is the recording from the Psychological Safety meetup on January 25th 2022, all about the history of psychological safety, from Schein and Bennis in the 1960s to today.
On this The Leadership Launchpad Project, I joined Rob Kalwarowsky & Susan Hobson to talk about all things psychological safety. We talk about the benefits, some tips on how to foster psychological safety and what leaders can get wrong about psychological safety. There’s a video too!
John Willis’s Profound Podcast – a podcast about W. Edwards Deming in the digital transformation era. In this, I talk with John about Deming, Lean and psychological safety, and particularly highlight Deming’s Point 8: Drive Out Fear.
Page It to the Limit is a podcast that focuses on what it means to operate software in production. Hosted by the PagerDuty Community Team, it covers the leading practices used in the software industry to improve both system reliability and the lives of the people responsible for supporting it. In this episode, I speak to the awesome Mandi Walls about psychological safety in high performing teams.
Red Hat Open Leadership Enablement Programme – June 4, 2021: Inclusivity Matters: What inclusivity is in an open organisation, sharing recommendations and what you can do to bring it to practice
Love In Action Podcast with Marcel Schwantes – Episode 101, May 2021. I joined Marcel to talk about psychological safety, how I discovered the concept for myself, and why it’s important for high performing teams.
Red Hat Transformation Live: Psychological Safety and Organisational Resilience – In this talk, Jabe Bloom and I discuss how psychological safety is one of the most important factors in enabling organisations to be more resilient to challenges, and building a devops culture.
In this meetup, I discussed all things psychological safety and high performing teams. “With a background in DevOps, Agile, Lean and Resilience Engineering, Tom will advise how a tech team can be elevated to deliver high quality and high velocity through increasing psychological safety.”
Session on March 19, 2021
February 2021: Red Hat – DX – 05 – Open Topography and Topology – Will Watkins & Tom Geraghty.
January 2021: DevOps Notts: Resilience engineering, Psychological Safety and Socio-technical systems.
In this episode we take a look at real-world events such as Chernobyl and the Volkswagen emissions scandal and how psychological safety (or lack thereof) may have contributed to these kind of events.
We talk how having a psychologically safe environment leads to happier teams and how that can impact team performance, along with sharing our own experiences of different environments.
April 2020: Webinar- High Performance teams and Psychological Safety: Missile Destroyers, Super Computers and Chernobyl.
IT Leaders Summit October 2019 Keynote: ‘Psychological safety’ the most important factor in successful teams, claims veteran technology team builder Tom Geraghty.
I’m in part of this episode, speaking about a book I can happily read again and again.
Here, we dive into DevOps culture and practices, which are intrinsically connected to the concept of psychological safety.
From the modern manufacturing revolution, to today’s tech world of continuous delivery, automation and cloud technology, I take a look at where we came from, how we got here and what it means to “do” DevOps.