Free Resources on Psychological Safety

Download free resources to use in your own workshops and with your teams

Free templates, tools and resources on psychological safety

Over 120 behaviours to build psychological safety

The Big List of behaviours that help to foster greater psychological safety and performance in groups. This list is ever-growing and evolving, and you can even suggest additions! 


Measuring Psychological Safety

Here you’ll find a guide to measuring psychological safety – what to look out for, how to design surveys and run qualitative research.


Psychological Safety Videos
If you’d like to find out more about topics such as the definition of psychological safety, normalisation of deviance, psychological safety practices, and much more, in short form videos, here’s the place to go!.
Watch psychological safety videos
Lean Coffee meeting template

This is a template you can use and adapt to run your own Lean Coffee Meetings. 


Westrum’s Organisational Typology Assessment

Use this to measure organisational culture using Westrum’s Organisational Typologies


Psychological safety survey design template

Use this to design and analyse your own surveys to measure psychological safety in teams and organisations.

Empathy Mapping canvas
Use this to create an empathy map for people you’re collaborating with or building greater understanding. 


Personal User Manual template
Use this when creating personal user manuals for yourself or your team members


Psychological safety retrospectives templates

Including various templates to run retrospectives with your teams.

Team Charter template
Use this when creating team charters for your teams or using it as a discovery exercise.


Psychological safety team performance exercise

A way to have powerful discussions to find out how safe your team feel, as well as establishing shared language and future direction.


Psychological Safety Tool Kit Sample
Our comprehensive Action Pack is designed to help you study, measure, build, and maintain psychological safety in your organisation. Here’s a glimpse of just a few of the many resources you’ll get.
Download free sample pdf

Sign Up to the Psychological Safety Newsletter

Arriving in your email inbox every week on a Friday (usually), it contains new, useful, insightful or controversial content all about psychological safety research, applications, practice and opportunities to collaborate.

To receive new articles, resources, tools, talks, webinars and videos each month in your email inbox, complete the form on the left.

Psychological Safety Meetups

The general format is a 2-hour virtual meetup (using Zoom), open to everyone, focussed on psychological safety theory, practice, and related topics. We start off with a brief introduction and housekeeping, followed by a 25-minute talk, and then group discussions (but there’s no expectation to speak up – you may remain silent, with your video off, for the entire meetup if you wish).

Thanks to the folks at the psychsafety community for helping organise it. Find out more at our meetup page.

If you’d like to listen to the music that we use in some of the meetup, you can listen to the Psychological Safety playlist on Spotify here!

Join our amazing global online community

Are you passionate about psychological safety? Then join hundreds of enthusiasts and experts in our vibrant (and completely free!) community by using this invite link.

Why Join?

  • Exclusive Access: Be the first to know about new products, courses, meetups, events, and opportunities—often before they’re announced in our newsletter.
  • Connect and Share: Engage with like-minded individuals, share your ideas, and gain new perspectives. Whether you’re a seasoned expert or just starting out, your contributions are valued.
  • Flexible Participation: Whether you want to actively participate or prefer to quietly read, everyone is welcome.

Invite Others!
Know someone who would love this community? Share this invite link:

Always Evolving We’re committed to continuously improving the Psychological Safety Community. If you have questions or suggestions, email us at or reach out to the moderators in the community.

We look forward to welcoming you there!

Psychological safety pdf
Psychological Safety Action Pack: A Complete Tool Kit for Managers, Facilitators and People Professionals

New and Improved! Introducing Version 3 of our toolkit, released in June 2024, featuring fully refreshed and updated content to ensure you have the most current and effective strategies for fostering psychological safety in your team.

Our comprehensive Action Pack is designed to help you study, measure, build, and maintain psychological safety in your organisation. Here’s a glimpse of just a few of the many resources you’ll get:

  • Psychological Safety Programme Planner: Develop a structured plan tailored to your team’s needs.
  • Measuring Psychological Safety: Tools to assess psychological safety within your team, including a ready-to-use question bank of 30 survey questions.
  • Values and Behaviours Workshop: Define and align team values and behaviours for a cohesive team culture.
  • Team Performance Workshop: Boost team performance through psychological safety exercises and discussions.
  • Psychologically Safer Meetings: Guidelines to conduct meetings that promote safety and openness.
  • The Fear Conversation Exercise: Address and mitigate fears within the team to foster trust.
  • Team Retrospective Templates: Regularly review and improve team dynamics for continuous growth.