Welcome to the psychological safety newsletter and thanks for subscribing You are amazing This week discusses the way in which aiming for zero defects can actually result in more defects, no...
Tuckman’s Model and Team Longevity We’ve recently covered team size, Dunbars number, and the effect that team sizes has on performance and psychological safety In this issue, we’re...
Welcome to the psychological safety newsletter and thanks for subscribing You are amazing This week discusses some things to think about before measuring psychological safety Measu...
Welcome to the psychological safety newsletter and thanks for subscribing You are amazing This week discusses failure archetypes, human factors, more Elon Musk, stinky fish and more Hum...
Welcome to the psychological safety newsletter and thanks for subscribing You are amazing This week discusses dealing with learning from incidents, plus Elon Musk, share of voice, and Extrem...
Welcome to the psychological safety newsletter and thanks for subscribing You are amazing This week discusses guardrails, micro-behaviours, weak signals, diving and more! Safety Guardrails, ...
Can a team be too psychologically safe A question I get asked in many (maybe even most) workshops is “Can a team be too psychologically safe” Or sometimes framed, “What’s the impact o...
As much as Dunbar's limits on group sizes might seem to be common sense, and reflected in many real world examples, Dunbar's theories on group size boundaries have been deconstructed and shown to po...
Westrum’s Cultural Typologies Dr Ron Westrum wrote in the BMJ Quality & Safety Journal in 2004 about The Three Typologies of Organisational Culture He was looking at ...
Team Charters In a previous newsletter, we discussed “personal readmes” or “user manuals” (and if you found them useful, you probably want to check out this issue’s sponsor, C...
Stopping The Line Being able to “stop the line” to prevent an issue getting worse, stop a defect passing downstream, suggest an idea for improvement when it can endow maximum benefit, or a...
Welcome to the psychological safety newsletter and thanks for subscribing You are awesome This week discusses Dr Richard Cook, clarity, and climbing, and is the first newsletter issue to be ...
Welcome to the psychological safety newsletter and thanks for subscribing You are amazing This week discusses 1-1 meetings, diversity, experiments, scrum masters and design principles 1-1 Me...
Welcome to the psychological safety newsletter and thanks for subscribing You are amazing This week discusses Non-Violent Communication, prospective employers, improv, and digital presenteei...
Welcome to the psychological safety newsletter and thanks for subscribing You are amazing This week discusses Yogic Philosophy, “avoidable” mistakes, and more Yogic Philosophy: A...
Welcome to the psychological safety newsletter and thanks for subscribing You are amazing This week discusses power, rituals, 360 feedback, and psychological safety in the military If you en...
Safety I & Safety II (Also known as Safety 1 and 2) For anyone familiar with the concepts of Resilience Engineering, you may have heard of the work of Erik Hollnagel, who states that “resili...
Personal User Manuals (aka “Personal README” or “Manual of Me”) What is a “Personal User Manual” One of my favourite practices for building psychological safety is ...
Welcome to the psychological safety newsletter and thanks for subscribing You are amazing This week discusses Inspiration (and mountain biking), more emissions scandals, speaking up, bullying at wor...
Welcome to the psychological safety newsletter and thanks for subscribing You are amazing This week discusses Drive, Dissent, and Checklists If you enjoy reading this newsletter, please ...
Welcome to the psychological safety newsletter and thanks for subscribing You are amazing This week discusses sales teams, game theory and the Agile Prime Directive If you enjoy reading this...
Welcome to the psychological safety newsletter and thanks for subscribing You are amazing This week discusses science and experimentation, the Toyota Production System, and meetings If you e...
Welcome to the psychological safety newsletter and thanks for subscribing You are amazing This week discusses making work visible, and rockstar employees Making Work Visible Dominica D...
Welcome to the psychological safety newsletter and thanks for subscribing You are amazing This week discusses “The Mythical Man Month”, agile software development, reframing risk, and ps...
Weaponisation of Psychological Safety This week was a bit rubbish to be honest We had a nasty experience when we were the victims of a rather sophisticated fraud attempt It could have been awful, but ...
Welcome to the psychological safety newsletter and thanks for subscribing You are amazing This week discusses “rules”, autism, pushback, leaky buckets, cargo-culting, and more If...
Welcome to the psychological safety newsletter and thanks for subscribing You are amazing This week discusses internal reporting, open secrets, whistleblowing and half-baked ideas If you enj...
Welcome to the psychological safety newsletter and thanks for subscribing You are amazing This week discusses how speaking up sounds different for everyone, and psychological safety looks di...
Welcome to the psychological safety newsletter and thanks for subscribing You are amazing This week discusses inclusion behaviours – not policies, along with Google, startups, onboard...
Welcome to the psychological safety newsletter and thanks for subscribing You are amazing This week discusses Conflict, Holding Environments and High Performance Sport If you enjoy reading t...